Archived Movable Type Content

October 11, 2003

Steve Gilliard on Junkie Rush

From Steve Gilliard's News Blog: (scroll down to the Rush post)

As my dad would say: yeah, right.

The pills aren't addictive, you are a junkie and instead of getting medical treatment when you started to take more dope, you went to the streets. Back surgery rarely works, and a lot of it was caused by you being fat. If you had lost the weight, the pressure on your back would have lessened.

Turned out to be? OxyContin says on the bottle it is addictive.

Junkies are three things: liars, hypocrites and sneaks. You managed to be all three and drag down other people in your dope binge.

Why should you be on the street when Robert Downey Jr. was locked up for being a junkie?

Posted by Norwood at October 11, 2003 10:48 AM