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July 29, 2004

GOP does not trust paperless e-voting

"It's an astonishing level of hypocrisy," said Sharon Lettman-Pacheco of the liberal People for the American Way Foundation, which sued the state seeking to force manual recounts for touch screen machines. "Which one is it: Do the machines work, or do they know something that we don't?"

Obviously, they know something. Now, I’ve been encouraging people to vote absentee for the same reasons, but I also want a paper trail, and I had nothing to do with bringing these flawed machines into the state in the first place.

A few days ago, I took Howard Troxler to task for calling the paper trail issue a partisan one. I thought that everyone should be concerned about the integrity of the vote. Well, it looks like it is partisan: the Republicans are so sure that they will be able to muster more absentee voters that they are not worried about the lost and miscounted votes that will result from the use of these machines.

In 2000, the Republicans were much better organized than the Democrats in getting their people to request and vote absentee ballots. Republicans fixed flawed applications in one county supervisor’s office so that the votes would count. They had organized absentee voting drives, assisting voters with the forms and with the ballots themselves. This was one of the many small things that helped them to get close enough to steal Florida and the country.

Now, having replaced old-fashioned, but reliable (when properly maintained, which many machines were not) and recountable machines with computer based units whose inner workings are super secret and (increasingly) obviously flawed, the Republicans are telling their own people to leave the electronic voting to the rabble and to vote absentee.

While Gov. Jeb Bush reassures Floridians that touch screen voting machines are reliable, the Republican Party is sending the opposite message to some voters.

The GOP urged some Miami voters to use absentee ballots because touch screens lack a paper trail and cannot "verify your vote."

That's the same argument Democrats have made but which Bush, his elections director and Republican legislators have repeatedly rejected.

"The liberal Democrats have already begun their attacks and the new electronic voting machines do not have a paper ballot to verify your vote in case of a recount," says a glossy mailer, paid for by the Republican Party of Florida and prominently featuring two pictures of President Bush. "Make sure your vote counts. Order your absentee ballot today."

The GOP tactic is the reverse of what Bush and state elections experts have said as they have repeatedly opposed Democratic moves, in the Legislature and courts, to require a paper trail on the machines.

A coalition of liberal and civil rights groups have filed a lawsuit seeking to force state elections officials to create a system for manual recounts of touch screen results.

Miami-Dade is one of 15 counties that switched from punch-card ballots to touch screens after the 2000 recount. But absentee ballots are filled out on paper and tallied on optical scan machines because the ballot is sent through the mail.

The Republican flier is part of a hard-fought GOP primary for a state House seat in Miami where absentee ballots could make a difference.

The mailing surfaced at the Democratic National Convention Wednesday and stirred outrage by Florida delegates and elected officials.

"I've seen that advertisement. It's appalling," said Democratic U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson. "It is an acknowledgement that there are excessive error rates with touch screens even by the party in power."

"That is awful. That is disgusting. Despicable," said state Sen. Ron Klein, D-Delray Beach. "Why use dirty tricks to scare people?"

"It's unbelievable," said state Sen. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, D-Weston. "They're the ones who won't certify a machine to attach a paper trail."

A Bush spokeswoman said the governor had not see the flier beforehand and did not approve of the criticism of the touch screen machines.

"The governor certainly does not support that message," said Bush spokeswoman Jill Bratina. "People need to have confidence in these machines."

The Republican Party of Florida paid to send the mailing to voters in a House primary in Miami-Dade County, where Rep. Juan-Carlos Zapata, R-Miami, is fighting to win a second term against challenger Frank Artiles in District 119.

The party supports Zapata in the Aug. 31 primary.

The full-color mailer says, "Support our Republican Party" and "every vote counts" and shows a smiling President Bush giving a thumbs-up. A tear-off absentee ballot request form, to be mailed to the Republican Party of Florida's Miami office, shows the president and Zapata side by side.

Republican Party spokesman Joseph Agostini initially denied that the brochure was the work of the GOP. But after he was shown the flier, he backtracked. He confirmed it was a GOP flier mailed in response to an Artiles flier that used the president's face without permission.

See below for help voting absentee in Florida in 2004. In a nutshell, anyone can do it, whether or not they plan to be “absent” in election day.

Posted by Norwood at July 29, 2004 04:15 AM

EXCELLENT POST! I IMPLORE all Hillsborough County voters to check out the campaign of Rob MacKenna. He has been working hard to get such messages out, and educate us all about the dangers of touch screen voting systems.

Rob pledges to creat a voter verifiable PAPER trail, using existing printers that can be attached to our Sequoia machines (Pinellas uses ES&S machines).

Rob is a programmer and analyst. He is THE person for this job. Read his blog for lots of good info, just like this post by Norwood.
Visit: or his main site which has good links to sites such as Verified Voting, and the Election Reform Information Project.

Know what else? Send links to friends and coworkers, etc. This is a GREAT blog. I keep wondering if people are only reading and not commenting. Why am I the only one commenting everytime I visit well-written informative blogs? Not everybody can be daily Kos, but look at all the hard work here at this blog.

Share the love people! Encourage ***linking*** and forward to others. THANKS for taking the time to put this up.

I will (obviously) be voting for Rob MacKenna in the Aug 31 primary, and the general election, by going down to the County Center, walking into the 16th Floor offices of the current Supervisor of Elections (appointed; incompetent; insists there are NEVER errors or problems with these machines) Buddy Johnson, and request my absentee ballot. Then I am going to march right back in there (with my ballot WITNESSED and SIGNED!!! Don't rush and make mistakes!), turn it in, and politely request to witness its validation.

It is VERY much worth my lunch hour. Think about it. SHARE information. FIGHT for your precious voting rights Tampa!


Posted by: TampaMichelle at July 29, 2004 01:07 PM