Archived Movable Type Content

August 18, 2004

Something to think about

People in SW Florida are really hurting right now. No refrigeration, shortages of basic staples such as water and food, a broken infrastructure, sweltering heat. I could go on and on, but most everyone has an idea of what’s happening and the fact that this is the direct result of an unavoidable natural disaster. (We can argue about population density and placement of mobile home parks some other time, but for now, let’s just say that some serious destruction would have occurred even with better planning or zoning or whatever.)

Meanwhile, in Iraq, millions of completely innocent people are living in similar, often much worse conditions caused by the unnatural disaster that is our president. And those are the lucky ones who weren’t killed, maimed, or arrested during our illegal invasion and occupation of their homeland.

Posted by Norwood at August 18, 2004 08:24 AM

some serious destruction would have occurred even with better planning or zoning or whatever

yeah...thats for sure. I went through Andrew when I used to live in S. FLA. I was scared. Luckily i didn't happen to end up being in its direct path and escaped the shit rain it delivered. I lived in a pretty sturdy CBS at the time and doubt that would have made much difference (at 2 feet above sea level and several hundred yards from the water) if that monster had rolled right over me. Metal hurricane shutters and all that wouldn't matter. I'm not sure I'd be writing this right now. Would have been a real mess. Was a real mess up the road. An un-real real mess.


Posted by: the farmer at August 19, 2004 05:24 AM