Archived Movable Type Content

March 01, 2005

Jeb! proposes religious indoctrination to stop abortions

Even as arguments against using state tax dollars for funding religious schools commence at the Florida Supreme Court, Jeb! has announced that he wants to start throwing even more money at rightward tilting self-proclaimed “Christian” organizations, this time to provide mandatory brainwashing to women who are seeking to safely and legally end an unwanted pregnancy.

The state would work with nonprofit organizations to convince women they shouldn't get abortions if they have unwanted pregnancies, under a plan announced by Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings on Monday.

Pregnant women would be able to call a state hot line and be referred to a nonprofit organization that would advise them about choices they have other than abortion and about programs to help them if they choose to keep the child.

The state would give the groups grants to counsel the women.

"It's all about making sure that there are services there in the community to help women who feel they don't have a choice," Jennings said.

Gov. Jeb Bush included $4 million in his budget proposal to start the program, which would be overseen by his office.

Planned Parenthood officials criticized the proposal.

"I can't say how much we strongly oppose this," said Kathleen Mahoney, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of the Palm Beach and Treasure Coast Area. "This is using tax money to push a certain ideology."

Mahoney said: "Instead of giving money to groups that promote propaganda and misinformation, Gov. Bush should provide money for things that have been scientifically proven to reduce the number of abortions, like comprehensive sexual education."

Posted by Norwood at March 1, 2005 05:18 AM