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March 14, 2005

Schiavo circus continues

The amoral bottom feeders, self-proclaimed Christians who are busy hawking the Terri Schiavo story to the gullible, were whipping their minions into a frenzy yesterday in Tallahassee.

The parents, Bob and Mary Schindler, have been convinced that their daughter can be transformed into a human parrot, eventually learning to mimic phrases. They interpret the random movements associated with her persistent vegetative state as signs that she is joking with them.

People like James Dobsen are butting in, and, collectively, they’re getting lots of attention. This is how right wing radio is framing the issue.

On Friday, March 18, 2005 the state of Florida will begin to starve Terri Schiavo to death. Our Starve to Death Countdown Clock begins it's countdown on Monday, March 14. For each day until Friday the 18th, we'll take one bite out of the sandwich below. When the sandwich is gone, Terri will be sentenced to death by starvation. If you think this is tasteless, you're right - but at least we're not starving our wife to death.

Then, between bouts of bashing Michael Schiavo for frittering away the money that was awarded in a malpractice suit, money that was spent on lawyers fighting to have Terri’s wishes carried out, the host attacks him for not accepting a cash offer to sell out and ignore his wife’s wish to die with some semblance of dignity. The radio show is going so far as to collect “pledges” that the host claims will be collected in order to make Michael Schiavo a better offer than the one he turned down.

Read up on the myths surrounding this case and prepare to rebut them, because Glenn Beck and his ilk are spreading them very thickly.

Posted by Norwood at March 14, 2005 11:57 AM

I've followed the Shiavo case fairly closely for a couple of years, and during that time the Catholic bishops of Florida have been all but mute on the issue. Since Terri is a Catholic, and since the bishops are often among the first to speak out on life issues, this tells me that the only moral issues involved are the immoral tactics of those who oppose removing the feeding tube. And JEB's antics in this case have been shameful.

Posted by: Ed Deluzain at March 14, 2005 03:36 PM