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April 07, 2005

Get your gun

The Wild West Gun Bill just passed the House. Jeb! Can't wait to sign it .

Gov. Jeb Bush said he will soon sign into law the so-called "Castle Doctrine" bill — giving Floridians more discretion to shoot would-be attackers in their homes, vehicles and public places — after the state House approved it overwhelmingly Tuesday. The Senate had passed the bill unanimously. Having moved through the legislature like a rifle shot, the NRA-backed bill, which some say will create a Wild West, shoot-first mentality in Florida, could end up being the first substantive bill signed into law this session. That unchecked momentum stems in part, Democrats acknowledge, from their losses in the 2004 election and their perceptions about why they lost. The measure (SB 436) not only garnered every Republican vote in both chambers but also had the support of all 14 Senate Democrats and 13 of 36 House Democrats. It passed 94-20 in the House, with three Republicans and three Democrats not voting. ......

The top priority of the National Rifle Association in Florida this year, the measure makes it clear in state law what courts have generally ruled in Florida: There's no duty to retreat before fighting back if you're in your home, workplace or car.
But it also extends the right outside the home, saying that "a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be, has no duty to retreat."
The bill says that person has "the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so, to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another."
The bill would make shooters in such situations immune from criminal prosecution and civil action.
The idea will legalize shootouts in the streets, opponents say.
"This bill creates a Wild, Wild West out there," said Rep. Eleanor Sobel, D-Hollywood.
A number of Democrats, some of whom call themselves Mainstream Democrats, also saw the bill as a way to continue redefining the party as one that values principles that Republicans have made their own, until recently: agendas that also include personal responsibility, efficient government and so-called moral values.
Although the bill "may go a little too far, it sends a message that Democrats believe in those same core values," said Rep. Will Kendrick, D-Carrabelle, a co-sponsor of the House version. "The majority of Democrats have gotten away from basic principles. They've realized they were way out in left field. I think some of them voted for this one in attempt to get back to a balance."

And still others believe that the issues of Mainstream Democrats and redefining the party and refocusing the minds of voters had nothing to do with the rapid success of the bill.
"The NRA is a very powerful lobby and a lot of members don't want to cross it," said Rep. Dan Gelber, D-Miami Beach, who opposed the bill.

When are these idiots gonna learn to stand for something, anything, that is not a feeble attempt to appear more Republican? I mean, a Democrat is saying that the majority in his party are out in left field? Maybe he'd feel more comfortable in the GOP.

Welcome to Florida

The moon was in the sign of Scorpio
The sun was at my back
I didn't know how far the train would go
Until the law would find my track
I saw the brakeman and the engineer
Drinking wine and eating brie
I asked 'em who would brake and who would steer
They started pointing back at me

So I shot 'em down
One by one
Then I left 'em 'long the rails
I use my gun
Whenever kindness fails

I only have a moment to explain
Just a chance to let you know
When it's time for you to board the train
There are two ways you can go
You can ride the wheels into the sun
Feel the wind upon your face
Or you can laugh into a loaded gun
And you'll likely loose your place

So I shot 'em down
One by one
Then I left 'em 'long the rails
I use my gun
Whenever kindness fails

Posted by Norwood at April 7, 2005 01:43 AM | TrackBack

It this the same 'core' as in 'rotten to the core'??

Posted by: Aunt Deb at April 7, 2005 05:05 PM
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